Policies & Handbooks
Please find below a list of Rendcomb College policies and handbooks available to download:
- Acceptable Use Policy (Pupils)
- Accessibility Plan
- Admissions Policy
- Antibullying Policy
- Behaviour Policy Including Awards and Colours
- Complaints Policy
- Curriculum Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy (Pupils)
- First Aid Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Junior School RSE Policy
- Learning Development Policy
- Offer of Early Help
- PSHEE Policy
- Pupil Handbook
- Relationship and Sex Education Policy
- Safeguarding Children (Child Protection) Policy and Procedures
- Scholarships and Bursaries Policy
- Uniform Policy Years 7-13
- Visitor Policy
Rendcomb College dates back to 1920 when it was founded by Frederick Noel Hamilton Wills whose uncle and cousins had earlier endowed buildings at Bristol University.
School Information
Welcome to Rendcomb College, an independent day and boarding school for boys and girls aged from 3 to 18 set in the heart of the Cotswolds, UK.
Rendcomb College dates back to 1920 when it was founded by Frederick Noel Hamilton Wills whose uncle and cousins had earlier endowed buildings at Bristol University.
Our Values
Our mission is to develop thoughtful, adventurous and ambitious life-long learners with the confidence, character and skills to succeed in the ever-changing world after school.
Term Dates, Events & Calendar
Term Dates & Events | Rendcomb College
Uniform | Rendcomb College