The School Day

Morning registration is at 8.20am and classrooms are open from 8.10am. If a pupil arrives before, there is supervision from 7.45am at no cost.

At the end of the day, pupils in Nursery may leave school at 3.30pm. Pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 may leave school at 3.40pm, and pupils in Year 3 to 6 may leave school at the end of lessons at 3.50pm.

After school care is available until 6pm from Monday to Friday. Charges are applicable.

Many pupils use the Rendcomb College bus services which currently run from the Cirencester, Swindon, Cheltenham, Fairford, Kemble and Stroud areas. Further details can be obtained from the Bursar’s Secretary on 01285 831 213.

A Typical Day At Rendcomb College

8:10am: Classroom opens with free play - Puzzles, Playdoh
9:00am: Registration and Singing
9:15am: Adult-led activities and free play such as: Mark making with paints, Counting games and Role play (eg. a post office)
10:00am: Snack time
10:20am: Outside play
11:00am: Cooking or Forest School
11:45am: Story time
12:00pm: Lunch time
12:55pm: Outside play
1:30pm: Quiet time/Story time
1:50pm: Adult-led activity and free play such as: French, Ballet and Music
3:00pm: Biscuit time
3:15pm: Story time
3:30pm: Home time


YEAR 1 - 2
8:10am: Classroom opens
8:30am: Phonics
9:00am: Numeracy activities
9:40am: Music
10:10am: Snack and Break time
11:00am: Literacy activities
12:00pm: Lunch time
12:45pm: Break time
1:10pm: Swimming or Art/DT or IT/Computing
3:15pm: Story time
3:40pm: End of lessons
3:40pm - 4:30pm: Optional Activities


YEAR 3 - 6
8:10am: Classroom opens
8:35am: English
9:15am: English
9:55am: IT/Computing
10:35am: Snack and Break
11:00am: Geography
11:40am: History
12:20pm: Lunch and Break
13:20pm: Assembly or Chapel
1:40pm: Science
2:20pm: Games/P.E.
2:40pm: Games/P.E.
3:50pm: End of lessons
4:00pm - 5:00pm: Optional activities

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