Preparing Your Child to Move Schools

Moving schools can be a significant adjustment for children. Taking the time to prepare your child for the transition can help ease any anxiety and facilitate a smoother adjustment period. Here are some essential steps to consider when moving your childs school:

Discuss the Move with Your Child

Open and honest communication is crucial. Discuss the reasons for the move and address any concerns or questions your child may have. Encourage them to express their feelings and reassure them that their well-being and educational needs are your top priority.

Keeping in Touch with Friends

Leaving behind friends can be difficult for children. Encourage your child to maintain connections by exchanging contact information, connecting on social media platforms, or scheduling playdates during holidays or weekends. This can provide a sense of continuity and ease the transition.


What to Look for in a New School?

Choosing the right school for your child is vital. Consider the following factors when evaluating potential schools:

Academic Excellence

Look for a school with a strong academic reputation and a curriculum that aligns with your child's educational goals. Research the school's exam results, teaching methods, and extracurricular offerings to ensure a well-rounded education.

Supportive Environment

Consider the school's approach to pastoral care and student well-being. A nurturing and inclusive environment with dedicated support staff can greatly contribute to your child's overall happiness and success.

Extracurricular Activities

Evaluate the school's extracurricular programs, clubs, and sports offerings. These activities play a crucial role in your child's personal development, providing opportunities for exploration, teamwork, and character-building.

Boarding Facilities

If considering a boarding school, thoroughly assess the boarding facilities, accommodation, and the support network provided. Look for an environment that promotes a sense of community and provides a home-away-from-home experience.

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Practical Steps for Applying to a New School

Once you have identified potential schools, it's essential to understand the application process and take the necessary steps to secure admission:

Research Application Deadlines

Each school has specific application deadlines. Make a note of these dates and ensure you submit the application well in advance to secure a place.

School Visits and Open Days

Arrange visits to the shortlisted schools, attend open days, and meet with the admissions team. These visits will allow you to experience the school firsthand, ask questions, and assess if it's the right fit for your child.

Admissions Interviews and Assessments

Prepare your child for any admissions interviews or assessments that may be part of the application process. Encourage them to be themselves, showcase their interests, and demonstrate their potential.

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How to Support Your Child During the Move

Moving schools can be an emotional time for your child. Be patient, understanding, and empathetic towards your child's feelings. Moving schools can be both exciting and daunting for them. Encourage open communication and create a safe space for them to express their emotions and concerns. Let them know that their feelings are valid and reassure them that you are there to support them throughout the process. Help your child become familiar with their new school environment before their first day.

Visit the school together and encourage them to ask questions and take note of any specific areas of interest or concern. If the school offers an orientation program, ensure your child attends to meet their future classmates and teachers. During the transition, try to maintain consistent routines at home. Familiarity and predictability can help your child feel more secure and grounded. Stick to regular mealtimes, bedtimes, and family activities to provide a sense of stability amidst the changes. Moving your child's school can be a significant decision, but with proper preparation and support, it can also be a rewarding and transformative experience.

By providing emotional support, familiarising your child with the new environment, connecting with other families, maintaining routines, encouraging involvement in school activities, staying engaged with the school, and addressing challenges as they arise, you can help your child navigate the transition successfully.

Remember, the process takes time, and each child adapts differently. With patience, understanding, and ongoing support, your child can thrive in their new school and embrace new opportunities for growth and learning.

For more information about joining Rendcomb College, please visit our admissions page.

Helpful Links:

Gov.UK Guide
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Rendcomb College Inspection Reports